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2018 Impact Report



2018 Impact Report

How your support protects the planet.

The year 2018 was a remarkable year – by any metric. On the negative side, hurricanes blasted with unprecedented ferocity, wildfire torched our neighborhoods and tropical forests suffered near-record tree losses.

In these respects, we were happy to leave 2018 behind. However, climate change and other threats motivate the urgency of our work – and our achievements give us hope. We are pleased to report to you that, with the support of our donors and other partners, 2018 was one of Nature and Culture’s most impactful years yet.

Together we protected more than 2.9 million acres of threatened ecosystems in Latin America – nearly twice the size of Everglades National Park. From the páramo grasslands of Colombia to Bolivia’s dry forest, we protected habitat for birds and bears alike, secured clean water for hundreds of thousands of people and improved the livelihoods of indigenous and local communities.

Each year brings new opportunities, new challenges and a broader community of supporters. We are grateful that so many of you have chosen to support Nature and Culture. As shown in this impact report*, your support can protect the planet.

*This year, our impact report is in the form of a Prezi, similar to an online PowerPoint. We recommend opening the Prezi in Google Chrome. From there, you can scroll through the presentation using the advance arrows on the bottom (or on your keyboard). Feel free to call our office at 858-259-0374 with questions.