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The First Regional Conservation Area in Cajamarca, Peru


Strategic Area: Wild Places -
Content Type: News
Country: Peru -

Cajamarca creates their first Regional Conservation Area, protecting one of the most biodiverse places on the planet.

Nature and Culture created a new protected area in the Peruvian Andes this week. Bosques El Chaupe, Cunía and Chinchiquilla (Chaupe) is the first Regional Conservation Area established in Cajamarca, Peru.

Spanning 54,000 acres, Chaupe protects montane forests and paramo grasslands within one of the most biodiverse places on our planet – the Tropical  Andes. This global hotspot is known for its extensive flora and fauna and unmatched levels of endemism (species found nowhere else on Earth). Wildlife found in the new protected area include nearly 200 species of birds, the threatened spectacled bear, and Pholidobolus ulisesi– a species of lizard that is new to science!

Chaupe is home to 180 species of birds.

Chaupe will also safeguard critical freshwater basins for local populations. San Ignacio Province, located in Cajamarca, relies on these water sources for potable water and economic activities such as coffee production.

“This is the first regional conservation area in Cajamarca, it marks an important milestone to achieve the effective conservation of natural resources that exist in the region, and ensure the ecosystem services it provides to the local population,” said Iván Mejía, Nature and Culture’s Coordinator in the Andes.

The population of San Ignacio relies on these water sources.

Local communities played a leading role in the declaration process, supporting Nature and Culture and committing to sustainable productive activities. This area was also supported by the Cajamarca Regional Government, Peru’s Natural Protected Area’s Service, the Municipality of San Ignacio, and Andes Amazon Fund.

“This is the beginning of a long road of participatory management, with the regional government, civil society, non-governmental organizations and local population. We must unite to achieve the conservation objectives of our [Conservation Area],” said Mesías Guevara, regional governor of Cajamarca.

This area will protect 54,039 acres (21,869 hectares) of montane forests and paramos.

Nature and Culture is grateful to our donors for making this achievement possible! We hope that this bit of good news inspires you to continue fighting for nature and culture.

Learn more about our work in the Andes here.