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Spectacled bear and puma camera trap sightings in protected area in Peru


Strategic Area: Species -
Content Type: News
Country: Peru -

Researchers recently recorded notable wildlife sightings in the Páramos and Montane Forests of Jaén and Tabaconas Protected Area in Peru. Camera traps in the region documented the presence of the impressive puma (Puma concolor) and the symbolic spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) as they moved through the area.

These findings are especially meaningful because they serve as biological indicators of the healthy conservation status of the area.

Analu Fernández Rafael, head of the Páramos and Montane Forests of Jaén and Tabaconas Protected Area, emphasizes that these discoveries highlight the importance of joint efforts between governmental entities and non-governmental organizations in the conservation of our ecosystems. They ensure a balance that benefits both wildlife and local communities, reaffirming the need to strengthen research in the páramo and montane forest ecosystems of Cajamarca.

Spectacled bear

Biologist Iván Mejía from Nature and Culture International explains that the spectacled bear, besides being an emblematic species, is a seed disperser. For this reason, it plays a key role in the functioning of high mountain ecosystems.

Additionally, the spectacled bear is endangered according to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), in the “vulnerable” category.


In contrast, the puma ranked as the fourth-largest feline in the world, plays a crucial role in the health, regulation, and balance of other species in mountain ecosystems. It keeps other species in check given that it is a top predator. It is a born controller of the food local food chain. According to biologist Mejía, the presence of the puma is key to maintaining the harmony and sustainability of the ecosystems it calls home.

These revelations underscore the importance of understanding and preserving interactions between species, recognizing their valuable contribution not only to biodiversity but also to the dynamic balance of high mountain ecosystems.

The passage from the Páramos and Montane Forests of Jaén and Tabaconas Protected Area

A shared commitment

These monitoring activities are led with dedication and commitment by the technical team of the Páramos and Montane Forests of Jaén and Tabaconas Protected Area, part of the Submanagement of Natural Resources and Protected Natural Areas of the Regional Government of Cajamarca (RENAMA). This work is carried out in close collaboration and strategic partnership with Nature and Culture International and Andes Amazon Fund, thus strengthening the protection and preservation of this protected natural area, which has the largest coverage of the páramo ecosystem in the department.